Who am I?

Hi I'm Joel. I create comics, concept art and illustrations in various different styles and mediums. My artworks include character designs, comics, environments and creatures. My main message is about positivity, creativity and storytelling through art and design.

My Statement

Through drawing figures, environments, creatures, and machines, I've discovered that understanding how something works, whether it's muscles or machinery, helps me visualise and create more believable designs.

The primary media I use include pencil, ink, markers, and digital tools. I find these especially useful for quickly capturing initial ideas and sketches, as well as for developing more ambitious and refined pieces.

One of the aspects of art that excites me most is storytelling. I strive to center my work around this concept, infusing moments, worlds, and characters with life, context, and meaning. It's the ability to breathe narrative into my creations that truly makes this medium so engaging to me.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Yes you can! I am available to hire for character designs, if you're interested in this, looking for another service or have any questions please email me at - joelmooreart@gmail.com

    See Contact page for further information.

  • Other than this website I am on all the major social media platforms. Links below.

    If you want to find out more about where you can see my work, please join my email list below for updates!




  • If you are interested in purchasing some of my original artwork or prints please visit my online shop!